Mugabe, Me and a
Million Tampons is a documentary gonzo odyssey into the darkness of a
nation held in fear and torn apart by corruption. Beginning in South
Africa, a disillusioned photojournalist is employed to document a
charity trying to organise the transportation of women’s sanitary aid
into Zimbabwe.
Frustrated by the complications; packing a million tampons, a camera and a romantic notion of being able to alter this reality, he decides to head off alone and undercover into Zimbabwe hell-bent on trying to document the unseen horrors.
Discovering people who risk their lives every day to defy Mugabe, he begins to question the media industry and the ethical dilemmas faced when photographing the dead, the dying and those on Mugabe’s hit-list to sell a story.
Weaving interesting characters, comic moments and tragic stories to show the contradictions that exist, the film offers a personal view and surreal solution to the world’s greater inability to stop the slow genocide. The journey asks us to contemplate our own role as witnesses by opening a live visual doorway to events that are happening right now.
For more information visit the documentary film website at